
The Ice does not forgive.

Name: Icekit
Past name(s): None
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Current Affiliation: ShadowClan
Rank: Kit
Personality: Icekit is selectively mute. She never talks, even when asked a question or prompted to speak. She spends her time in the Nursery alone and isolated from everyone else, and detests any sort of social interaction. When queens and kits try to talk to her, Icekit pushes them away by flatly ignoring them. Though it may often come off as rude, Icekit does not think too much of it.
Being a lone wolf, Icekit loves to adventure on her own, discovering new things in new places. She thinks more of the future than the present.
She takes a special liking to “bugs with pretty wings”, aka butterflies and moths.
Icekit is very absentminded and is easily distracted. When she is in her own world, it is hard to bring her out of it. She also struggles to express her emotions, but despite all this, she is a very kindhearted cat that just doesn’t know how to show proper compassion.

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Auctor tortor dis facilisis ac vitae luctus cep. Montes curabitur enim praesent cep vitae diam cras. Sapien ligula ut consequat phasellus odio mauris scelerisque col est blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor.Nibh suspendisse lacus quis viverra luctus gravida euismod tincidunt velit.Suscipit montes posuere viverra cras urna pharetra laoreet est iaculis at vel porttitor vis feugiat rhoncus ante metus consequat commodo sit gravida.